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- Age: 40 - 49
- GenderFemale
- Ethnicity: Black
- Height: 5’ 0” - 5’ 5”
- Weight: 100 - 149 lbs
Hormones following the birth of a child take time to come back into balance, which can affect the shape of mother's bodies. Female hormones can also make it difficult for many women to lose the baby weight naturally. When this patient experienced this challenge, she decided to explore cosmetic surgery. Her research led her to schedule an appointment with a surgeon at the Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern Virginia. She received a breast augmentation with lift. Her surgeon placed a set of 300cc saline breast implants. He also performed liposuction to reduce excess fat on her hips, flanks, inner thighs, and upper arms. Finally, he performed a circumferential abdominoplasty to tighten loose abdominal skin and repair her rectus diastasis. Now feels more in control of her own body than ever before. She is thrilled with her body contouring.