Following her dramatic weight loss, this Northern Virginia woman was disappointed to realize that she had a lot of hanging skin that she couldn't get rid of on her own. So, she wanted to find a surgical solution. The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Reston VA near Washington DC was the perfect place to perform her abdominoplasty. Below her loose skin, her muscles were very tight, so really, she only needed skin removal surgery. Her skilled surgeon used a direct excision technique to get these results. He was able to expertly hide her scars below the bikini line. Her results are remarkable. As long as she doesn't experience rapid weight gain, she will continue to enjoy her new body contouring for years.
Our four, board-certified plastic surgeons have over 100 years of combined experience & work together in our dedicated, luxurious center providing combined knowledge on all procedures. Schedule your consultation today to learn how our surgeons can guide you on your journey to aesthetic harmony.