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Five Reasons Women Are Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

By: Austin-Weston


woman's face

If there's one cosmetic trend that's quickly sweeping the nation, it's the curvy, round rear end! Celebrities like J. Lo and Nicki Minaj have helped to establish a shapely butt as one of the most undeniable – and irresistible – components of an ideal physique. However, because the butt is notoriously difficult to sculpt with diet and exercise alone, more and more people each year are turning to cosmetic surgery to achieve their goals. Brazilian butt lift, in particular, is becoming one of the most popular and in-demand procedures among men and women across the country who are seeking a more appealing and attractive contour.

The renowned team of plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery is exceptionally skilled in the complex techniques and artistry required during Brazilian butt lift surgery and is proud to help Northern Virginia patients reach their ultimate aesthetic goals through BBL and other cutting-edge cosmetic techniques and procedures. Read on to learn more about Brazilian butt lift surgery, including why you should consider it, what results are possible, and whether or not the procedure is right for you.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

The Brazilian butt lift is an exciting and innovative fat transfer procedure designed to augment the butt without the need for synthetic implants. While its name may be deceiving, the Brazilian butt lift is not, technically, a lift procedure. Traditional lifts, such as breast lift or thigh lift, involve the removal of excess skin to produce a smoother, firmer, more youthful contour in the treated area. Brazilian butt lift, commonly referred to as BBL, actually adds volume to the buttocks using the patient's own fat, rather than removing skin, to enhance its overall shape and size.

Why should I consider a Brazilian butt lift?

There are seemingly endless benefits – both cosmetic and psychological – to be gained from Brazilian butt lift surgery. From boosting your confidence to fitting in your clothes better, BBL can be life-changing. Five of the most compelling reasons that men and women choose to get Brazilian butt lift surgery in Northern Virginia include:

1. Diet and exercise don't work: Despite countless hours in the gym and a healthy lifestyle overall, many people are never able to achieve their ideal butt shape. This is often due to genetics, and it can be extremely frustrating. When diet and exercise don't produce the expected results, BBL can be a fantastic option.

2. Increase confidence: There is no doubt that most people feel better when they are happy with their appearance. Being unsatisfied with your figure can lead to anxiety, depression, and a lack of self-esteem, all of which can negatively impact nearly every facet of your lift. Cosmetic procedures, including Brazilian butt lift, often give patients a much-needed confidence boost, leading to better relationships, more success at work, and a better quality of life overall.

3. Trim their physique: In addition to beefing up their bums, BBL patients also get the bonus of leaning out another part of their body! Many patients experience a noticeable difference at the liposuction site, often losing several inches and enjoying a slimmer, smoother contour.

4. Achieve balance: When patients live a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and are happy with other areas of their body, having a flat, sagging rear end can be discouraging and embarrassing. Brazilian butt lift is an effective way to achieve a more natural, balanced physique.

5. Desire a more natural approach: For patients who want a rounder, curvier backside, but prefer a natural alternative to the use of gluteal implants, BBL may be a great fit. The risk of adverse or allergic reaction with BBL is extremely low, as the procedure utilizes a patient's own fat rather than synthetic fillers or foreign bodies.

How does BBL surgery work?

During BBL surgery in Northern Virginia, which is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia, the surgeon will begin by harvesting fat from the patient via liposuction. This fat is typically taken from the hips, thighs, or abdomen, depending on where the patient has enough excess fat to remove. Once the fat is purified and prepared in syringes, the surgeon will carefully and strategically inject the fat into the patient's buttocks in a distribution that will result in a gorgeous, natural-appearing, shapely backside. Because BBL requires a great deal of skill, artistry, and knowledge, choosing a highly experienced plastic surgeon is essential for a successful procedure, stunning results, and a long-lasting outcome.

When considering a Brazilian butt lift, it is critical that patients have realistic expectations about their results as well as what to expect after BBL surgery. During your initial consultation at Austin-Weston, one of our exceptional plastic surgeons will evaluate your concerns, discuss your goals, and explain BBL surgery and recovery in great detail. After BBL, patients should expect some level of bruising, swelling, and discomfort. Patients should also understand that they will not be able to sit or lie directly on the buttocks for at least two weeks following BBL, as this can cause the newly transferred fat cells to die, compromising the results of the procedure. After this time, patients will slowly be able to start using a donut pillow to sit for short periods of time, including driving, though extended pressure to the area should still be avoided.

Patients should also keep in mind that there will be two surgical areas to tend to: the liposuction site and the buttocks. It is likely that you will need to wear a compression garment for several weeks to promote healing and reduce swelling at the site of liposuction. Most patients are able to return to work after 2 – 3 weeks, but it can take several months until normal daily routines, including exercise, can be resumed. When patients practice proper aftercare and avoid future weight fluctuations, the results of BBL surgery can last for many, many years.

Am I a good candidate for BBL in Northern Virginia?

Patients who are in good health, do not smoke, and are frustrated with a lack of results in the gym can typically be considered for a Brazilian butt lift. One of the most important factors in determining whether or not BBL is right for you is how much excess fat you have available to harvest. In rare cases, patients who are particularly thin or have a low BMI may not have enough excess fat. In this situation, gluteal implants may be the most appropriate option for producing the desired result.

If you are intrigued by the thought of achieving an A-list rear end that balances out your figure and makes you feel confident, sexy, and gorgeous, call the friendly team at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery to schedule your BBL consultation with one of our experienced, knowledgeable, plastic surgeon at our convenient Reston, VA facility. If you prefer, we are also proud to now offer online consultations that can be completed from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Make your ultimate cosmetic dreams a reality with Brazilian butt lift; call us today!


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