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How Long After Tummy Tuck Surgery Can I Resume Sex?

By: Austin-Weston


How Long After Tummy Tuck Surgery Can I Resume Sex?  Reston

With the stunning transformations that can be achieved with tummy tuck surgery, many patients are anxious to enjoy their new figures as soon as possible. For some men and women, resuming sexual activity is a high priority. While it can be tempting to rush back into your normal intimacy routine, it is important to understand why you may need to wait. Ahead of your tummy tuck surgery, review the helpful information below from the board-certified plastic surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern Virginia to better understand how long tummy tuck recovery may take, when it is considered safe to resume sexual activity, and what can happen if you do so too soon.

What can a tummy tuck do for me?

If you are reading this, chances are good that you already know at least a little bit about the benefits of a tummy tuck – but you may be surprised to learn just how many improvements can be made to your figure, function, and overall health with tummy tuck surgery. Also known as an abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is popular among men and women who have been left with loose skin and stubborn fatty deposits as a result of aging or weight loss. Women who are hoping to regain their pre-baby body frequently turn to tummy tuck surgery as well. Cosmetic and functional complaints that can be largely resolved or improved with abdominoplasty surgery include:

  • Diet- and exercise-resistant fat
  • Loose stomach skin
  • Hanging skin on stomach
  • Wrinkled stomach
  • Stretch marks on belly
  • Belly pooch (“mommy pooch”)
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Diastasis recti
  • Ventral hernia

How long is a tummy tuck recovery?

Based on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed during surgery, as well as what other concerns you may have, our surgeons will recommend the most appropriate type of tummy tuck for you. This may be a mini tummy tuck, traditional tummy tuck, or an extended tummy tuck. For patients who undergo a traditional full tummy tuck, a period of about 2 – 3 weeks away from work can be expected. Patients who undergo a mini tummy tuck can typically return to work sooner, while an extended tummy tuck or a combination procedure – like a mommy makeover – may be associated with a longer recovery period.

Even after returning to light desk work and household chores, patients will need to restrict their physical activity for several more weeks, or until cleared by their surgeon. This will allow the body plenty of time to heal – including internal and external sutures and structures – and helps to ensure a successful, long-lasting result.

When can I have sex again after a tummy tuck?

With a newly svelte figure, you may be understandably anxious to get back to the bedroom. On average, patients are encouraged to wait at least 3 – 4 weeks after a tummy tuck to resume sexual activity. This can vary from patient to patient based on the details of their surgery, their recovery progress, and other factors. Resuming physical activities (including sex) too soon after a tummy tuck can damage the healing tissues, pull out sutures, and delay the overall recovery process. During your tummy tuck follow-up appointments, your provider will closely monitor your healing progress and let you know when it is safe and appropriate to return to your normal lifestyle.

Showing off your new figure will be worth the wait with tummy tuck surgery in Reston, VA

At Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our goal is to help you love your look in the safest way – and with the least amount of recovery time – possible. Still, it is critical to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions to set yourself up for a comfortable and efficient healing process and a stunning, enduring outcome. If you have further questions about the tummy tuck recovery process, call our convenient Reston, VA cosmetic surgery facility to schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons today.


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