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Six Common Questions About Breast Augmentation Recovery

By: Austin-Weston


6 Questions About Breast Augmentation Recovery  Reston

The months and weeks leading up to a breast augmentation can be exhilarating. You'll likely be imagining your new look and thinking about different styles of clothing you'll soon be able to wear. Amid all the excitement though, you may also be starting to wonder about the recovery and have questions or even concerns. At Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Northern Virginia, our team of plastic surgeons and caring office staff is committed to making your breast augmentation journey as seamless as possible, from your initial consultation all the way through the postoperative and recovery periods. To help better prepare you for what to expect during a breast augmentation recovery, here are six questions commonly asked by women considering the procedure.

Is a breast augmentation painful?

Breast augmentation, commonly known as a boob job, is a surgical procedure designed to increase breast volume and size through the use of artificial implants or a fat transfer. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so patients won't experience any pain during the procedure itself. However, patients should expect a moderate amount of discomfort following the surgery. Many women describe the sensation as feeling like something heavy is sitting on their chest. The pain after a breast augmentation is typically well tolerated and subsides within the first week or two after the procedure. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help relieve your symptoms, and you will likely be able to switch to over-the-counter medicines after just a few days.

How long will I have bandages on after a breast augmentation?

At the conclusion of your case, your surgeon will carefully close your incisions with sutures and place Steri-Strips or small bandages over the wounds. These will stay in place for about a week and will either fall off on their own or will be removed at your first postoperative appointment. In addition to the Steri-Strips, you will also be placed in a supportive recovery bra at the end of your surgery. Many women are curious about when they will be able to wear a regular bra again after their breast augmentation. For the first several weeks, it is extremely important to wear the supportive recovery bra at all times. This garment helps promote proper healing and settling of your implants. After a few weeks, your surgeon may clear you to wear a supportive sports bra, but it is generally recommended to wait at least six weeks before wearing a bra with underwire.

What kind of scars will I have after my boob job?

The level of scarring you will have after a breast augmentation depends on a variety of factors. Patients who undergo a breast lift in addition to their breast augmentation will require vertical incisions to excise excess skin and lift the breasts. In these cases, there will be more scarring than with a breast augmentation alone. The majority of breast augmentation procedures can be performed with a single incision under the crease of each breast, making the scars easy to conceal under bras and swimsuits. The highly experienced surgeons at Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery take great care to strategically place incisions in a way that results in the least amount of visible scarring possible. Your doctor will also advise you on creams and ointments that can be used to improve the appearance of your scars postoperatively.

When can I exercise after a breast augmentation?

Though you may begin feeling more like yourself after a couple of weeks, it is important to remember that your body is still healing from a major surgery. In general, it is recommended that patients refrain from exercise and strenuous activity, including running and lifting, for about six weeks following a breast augmentation. At your one month follow-up appointment, your surgeon will assess your recovery progress and further advise you on when it may be safe to return to your regular fitness routine.

When will I see my final results after a breast augmentation?

In the first several weeks after a breast augmentation, you will experience a significant amount of swelling. This may take up to 4-6 weeks to resolve, and then you will begin to see the results of your surgery. However, your implants will still be settling, and your breasts will continue to undergo subtle changes over the next few months.

How can I speed up my breast augmentation recovery?

While it may be tempting to get back to your daily activities and show off your new look, it is essential that you don't rush the recovery process after your breast augmentation. Some of the things you can do to make your recovery as easy, convenient, and successful as possible include:

  • Follow your doctor's orders
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Stay nourished and hydrated
  • Take prescribed medications
  • Ask for help around the house
  • Wear a supportive bra at all times
  • Sleep on your back

Getting started with a breast augmentation

If you are interested in a breast augmentation in Northern Virginia, the first step is to be evaluated by a qualified, certified, and experienced plastic surgeon. Call Austin-Weston, The Center for Cosmetic Surgery to schedule your consultation with one of our exceptional doctors today, and learn more about how a breast augmentation can help you achieve the body you've always wanted.


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